40711 Prostituierte Brigitte High Class

1 Stunde 2 Stunden über Nacht
nein nein nein
nein 350 700
Alter: 23 Größe: 166 Gewicht: 57
Brust: 3 Europäisch Blondinen
If you are looking for high class company who knows how to act politely, can talk about many various topics and is inteligent, you’ve just found me! I really do appreciate intelligence. I am looking for real gentlemen. Nothing is sexier than a gentleman treating a lady with respect. I enjoy having deep conversations. You can share with me your darkest thoughts. You can believe me as your friend. I never judge. I love listening to people. Delicious food and beverages are also my passion.I think of me more as of a courtesan who is here to make you feel good in all senses. As a VIP companion who provides a real girlfriend experience I expect to be treated as a lady and for you to be courteous and respect me during our date. Spending your luxure time with an exclusive lady like me it means friendly mood and easy going attitude. I am a full time university student that's why I am very selective and meet only sophisticated gentlemen. It makes me joy when I can leave my kind of stereotypical and stressful university life and can enjoy beauties of life with a gentleman with manners. My photos are like this because of my privacy. 100% discreetness... I exercise as you can see in those photos Please write me on my mail

Andere Mädchen in rusovce

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  • über Nacht no
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  • Gewicht 62
  • Brust 3
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  • über Nacht no
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  • Größe 169
  • Gewicht 59
  • Brust 2
  • 1 Stunde no
  • 2 Stunden 350
  • über Nacht 700
  • Alter 23
  • Größe 166
  • Gewicht 57
  • Brust 3